Managing Mating Connectors

Managing Mating Connectors Are you utilizing the Connector Registry to its fullest? This feature, found in Cirris easy-wire Software, helps manage lists of connectors. Every mating connector used during testing…

Easy-Wire Version History

Easy-Wire® Version History Easy-Wire Station 2024.2.2.8028 Release Notes Easy-Wire Improvements LV insulation limited by diode  ENG-4434  (8100, CR, CH2 only) When the tester performs its high speed continuity test, wire…

Easy-Wire® Schematic Generator

Easy-Wire® Schematic Generator Schematic generation of cable documentation and errors Save Schematics and Reports to pdf files Graphical display of connectors Customizable reports Guided assembly Automatic SPC data collection Import/export…

Edit Your Test Programs

Edit Your Test Programs  View easy-wire Text Editing Video Here Test Program Editor, with Text Editing Built-in( easy-wire software version 8.4 ) Many Cirris customer use an Excel spreadsheet to assemble their…