Test Systems
When building, updating, and testing rail circuits, you must be time-efficient and thorough. We can help you automate the process to ensure quality.
Rail electrical circuits continue to become more complex as comfort systems and high-speed communication wiring are integrated with ever-advancing control circuits. When looking to test rail electrical circuits, you need a trusted leader with a record of successful customer partnerships.
We can support you with testing simple electrical components parts, wiring harnesses, a cab panels, signaling devices, current collecting circuits, power distribution systems, cable ducts, train cars, and connected train segments. Our automated test solutions are cost-efficient, providing you with what you need and ensure compliance with rail standards such as DIN EN 50343.
Automating Saves Time and Money
A railway company had to modernize 600 rail cars. The job required installing a new switching cabinet in each car. After implementing our automated test system, they were surprised when test times immediately dropped 85%. Moreover, they got full and detailed report of the testing performed. They immediately ordered another system to save on future updates and builds.
Contact us to learn how we can develop your unique testing solution.
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