About Us


High Voltage & Functional
Test Systems
for the Rail Industry

When building, updating, and testing rail circuits, you must be time-efficient and thorough. We can help you automate the process to ensure quality.

Rail electrical circuits continue to become more complex as comfort systems and high-speed communication wiring are integrated with ever-advancing control circuits. When looking to test rail electrical circuits, you need a trusted leader with a record of successful customer partnerships.

We can support you with testing simple electrical components parts, wiring harnesses, a cab panels, signaling devices, current collecting circuits, power distribution systems, cable ducts, train cars, and connected train segments. Our automated test solutions are cost-efficient, providing you with what you need and ensure compliance with rail standards such as DIN EN 50343.

railcar assembly

Easier Program Generation

Our software tools provide you with the means to efficiently import the electrical circuit data provided to you from several sources including Excel, CSV, and text files. Moreover, we stand ready to provide you with the training or programming support when needed to automate the most difficult test scenarios with complex circuits.

Mix High Voltage

Since some train circuits need to be tested at higher voltages and others at lower voltages, you have the option to configure your test system with up to six different high voltage test point levels – all the way to 6000 VDC/5000 VAC. You only pay for the extra capability where you need it.

Current for the Requirement

Large wiring circuits that span one or even multiple train segments require high voltage testing with higher current levels. Whether you are high voltage testing a simple harness or a large heavy assembly, we can tailor our modular, industry-leading capability to your need.

Test Points Where You Want

You can choose to have your tester’s test point interface located in a centralized industrial cabinet. Or alternatively, you can choose a test system with ruggedized test point boxes located in and around a large assembly, resulting in shorter interface cables that are less cumbersome and less expensive.

No Assembly Is Too Complex

In addition to complex wiring patterns, our test systems can test complex circuits with diodes, capacitors, resistors, and switches. Moreover, our test systems can apply driving voltages to actuators, relays, solenoids, and lamps to fully functional test these components. This makes it easy to automate a thorough test of things like switching cabinets and driving stands.

Operator Friendly

To provide a faster setup, we provide optional intelligent interface cables, which relieve the operator of having to plug the interface test cable into the same test points. The tester efficiently performs automated testing of continuity, shorts, components, capacitance, insulation resistance, and dielectric breakdown. Test errors can be viewed on a remote display. Proper integration with safety systems ensures operators are never exposed to hazardous high voltages.

Full Reporting

Once the testing is complete, you need a clear, easy-to-understand report that represents the testing completed, including measured values, providing traceability to measurements standards. Reports can be printed, output to a database, or output as separate data files.

Complete Implementation

There is no need to go elsewhere for the complete solution. As needed, we can provide you with a pre-implementation assessment, interface cables and modules, test generation, implementation, training, ongoing support, and calibration services.

Automated Wire Harness Testing for the Rail Industry

Cirris test solutions support many railcar manufacturers worldwide. How can Cirris help you?

Call Cirris at +1 801-973-4600 or use the form below to send us a message.


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Analyze Rail Car Wiring with adaptronic Tester

Automating Saves Time and Money

A railway company had to modernize 600 rail cars. The job required installing a new switching cabinet in each car. After implementing our automated test system, they were surprised when test times immediately dropped 85%. Moreover, they got full and detailed report of the testing performed. They immediately ordered another system to save on future updates and builds.

Contact us to learn how we can develop your unique testing solution.

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adaptronic NT700 Series

Max HV: 6000 VDC/5000 VAC, Max functional energization: 220 VAC, Centralized test points.

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