Easy-Wire Advanced Instructions
Advanced Instructions supplement standard Easy-Wire® capabilities to provide extended flexibility and control of Cirris harness testers. Tester-based Advanced Instructions, available on the 8100, 5150, and CH2, use the tester’s standard hardware.
Common Applications
- Perform 2-wire or 4-wire resistance measurements using a specified current and compliance voltage.
- Test the 4-wire resistance of probed points.
- Perform low voltage isolation testing between specified points.
- Perform high voltage dielectric withstand and insulation resistance testing between specified points.
- Functionally test optocouplers or fiber optic links using a photo diode as the light source and a light sensitive transistor as the test device.
- Measure zener diodes and LEDs up to 10 volts.
- Limit test stimulus voltage to 250 millivolts and stimulus power to 1 milliwatt for testing sensitive active components.
Measure zener diodes with the control provided by advanced instructions
External Instruments
The 5150 and CH2 also support Advanced Instructions which integrate external instruments to expand measurement ranges, increase accuracy, and to perform specialized testing. Supported instruments include the Keithley 2400 Series source meters, the Keithley 6487 picoammeter, the Keysight 34401 / 34410 digital multimeters, and the Keysight E4980AL LCR meter. Measurement instructions are programmed in the Easy-Wire user interface and the meters are switched through the tester’s test-point matrix. Results are reported in Easy-Wire, used in pass/fail evaluations, and incorporated in reports.
Keithley 2420 SMU
Common Applications
- Perform extended range high voltage insulation resistance (IR) measurements up to 50 GΩ; higher IR measurements are possible.
- Perform high accuracy inductance measurements.
- Perform high accuracy capacitance measurements.
- Perform high accuracy 2-wire and 4-wire resistance measurements.
- Perform high accuracy voltage and current measurements.
- Test leakage current in diodes, transistors, MOSFETs, and integrated circuits with applied voltage up to 1100 volts.
- Test transzorbs, zener diodes, and gas discharge tubes.