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High Voltage Adapters

High Voltage Adapters

When Cirris Systems introduced the 1500V version of the Touch 1 cable tester it became apparent that many of our standard adapters would not be able to be used at these higher voltage levels. If an adapter had conductor spacings to close together (either on the connector itself or on the PCB adapter board) the customer could experience dielectric failures during testing which were not related to the device being tested but as a result of the adapter being used.

To eliminate this problem Cirris engineers began qualifing standard adapters for use at voltages over 1000Vdc as our customers requested them. As a result, we have qualified a selected group of standard adapters that will work at these higher voltages. The “high voltage adapters” have part numbers that start with the letter “H”. (For example a standard ADBP-50 d-sub adapter will be called a HDBP-50 because it has been qualified to work at 1500Vdc.)

In addition, engineers have added a diode to special points on these qualified adapters to inform the tester that this adapter has been qualified to work at voltages over 1000V. The Touch 1 testers are now programmed to sense which adapters are approved for high voltage use and which are not. If you attempt to set voltages over 1000V while using a standard adapter the tester will inform you that you need a high voltage adapter for your selected voltage. By installing a “qualified” adapter the tester will allow you to set the voltage up to 1500Vdc.

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