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Combining Touch 1 and 1100 Testers with Multiple Easy-Touch® Testers

Combining Touch 1 and 1100 Testers with Multiple Easy-Touch® Testers

Your first Easy-Touch tester should be combined as shown here. To add multiple Easy-Touch testers, you will want to network your Easy-Touch testers using ‘Cirris Server Software’. This allows additional Easy-Touch testers to share files with the Touch 1 and 1100 network location without requiring you to import all of your Touch 1 and 1100 test files into each additional Easy-Touch. Instructions on how to network multiple Easy-Touch Testers.

So, how do I make this work?

First, you network your Touch 1 or 1100 tester(s) using the “Networking Made Easy Software” and copy all your Touch 1 or 1100 wirelists to the network folder location. Then, on that same PC or on a PC connected to that PC, you network your Easy-Touch testers using the “Cirris Server Software”. On one of your Easy-Touch testers, you create an Easy-Wire® category and link it to the network location. The last step is to import your Touch 1 wirelists into any of the Easy-Touch testers.

HOW TO: For detailed instructions, see “Sharing Wirelists between Easy-Touch and Touch 1 or 1100 Testers” from the Easy-Touch Getting Started Guide.
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